Sunday, October 4, 2009


The entire post reflects my blind belief about good/bad and I guess it won’t hurt anybody

This is my first post and it starts from here

What is good/bad and why do we need it?

I thought a lot about this but still I’m not confident of it. My belief comes to a mere conclusion that there is something to do with good/bad after our death. First of all how will a human being validate which is good/bad irrespective of his religion, country, caste, race etc….

There is some super power prearranged by god (I say it as SOUL) in every human being which helps you to know what is good/bad. God gave us his power in the form of soul to us which signals us to identify what is good/bad and makes you to do good as much as you can. Even that soul gives you the freedom to decide and go ahead to do good/bad. Also, there is other power which is called evil power in the human being and it is also prearranged according to me which provokes us to do wrong

But who and how can we decide the good/bad is the big question?

Whenever you try to do good/bad there is always a conflict between the god’s power and evil power within our body and ultimately the one which is stronger in you makes to do those good/bad. I say always good belongs to god and bad belongs to evil. So when you are doing something wrong that means your body and mind listens more to evil rather than god which makes you to do that bad thing

At that weak moments the soul given by god helps you to put away from bad by making you to think about the bad thing you are doing but the evil power which is more cunning will convince you by saying it’s not a big mistake or it’s a small one or what will happen if you do that….and so on till you are convinced to do that bad.
But when you are more strong and closer to god the cheap tricks made by evil cannot affect you by doing good and there is very rare prospect of committing the bad things.

It’s a never ending story and its goes on for centuries…….

But why we need good and bad is my main concern

I have feeling that there is something which will evaluate our life after death depending on the good/bad stats in our life before death. According to me, death for a human being is nothing but soul departing from his body. It should go somewhere as there is no death to our soul at all. So it should belong to either god/evil as those are the ones which ruled our body till we are alive

The next question arises in my mind
Where will it go after our death?

So where should it go now and on what basis will it decide where to go as it cannot go and stay in both places which is impossible .There comes the good/bad which we did in our entire life I feel. Finally the stats of good/bad will make our soul either to be with god or with evil

Ohhh already my mind is overheated and I need a break with strong tea/coffee

Please come up with your own views how you feel about good/bad and why do we need it
Anyway thanks for reading my first blog… still many posts are pending from my side which will be like this for sure

1 comment:

  1. Soul is smart enough to get things but I don't think 99.9% of people are smart enough to listen to Soul.We are not designed from childhood to listen to soul and only thing we know is how to have a better life. Desire,ego,social expectations and our perception of success overrides Soul's intelligence.Even we grow strong enough to listen to Soul, we may become unacceptable in the society and would be alienated.Please don't alienate me.My Soul takes charge Sunday evenings.
